Friday 18 April 2008


mood: CALM.

ah... i need to be on the left lane soon.
ah... there's some space and i can move in.
ah... i shall signal to go into that lane.

tik tok tik...
stupid selfish old man decided to speed to fill the SPACIOUS gap
and HONKS while doing so.

ouch. grouchy old man. so mean.
T_T bully small boy.

ah. nevermind right lane is still faster~
OH. left lane is closed.

HA! serves you right old man, you still need to come to the right lane later.
i guess, THANKS~ i might be slow but i'm in-front of you.

and ah. i didn't need to be on the left lane just yet, not my turning yet.

so EAT my DIRT you old sagging asshole.

i am amazed that i no longer need to be evil to certain people.
karma has its way for to handle things vengeance for me.

edited: 1500, 19.04.08
OMG look at my england. OMG the grammar. horror horror...
digging a hole on the ground to burry my face~
tergamak aku gi correct grammar orang lain manakala aku punya macam tahi~

malaysians we are the most friendly drivers. i do admit.


Medie007 said...


Little Dove said...

Honk if you are horny. That's what I tell my impatient friends.

Smacks the horny old man for bullying Daniel.

William said...

Try to get the BatMobile or 007's Astin Martin.

calgraden said...

malaysia drivers not good as thailand's really mad!!