Saturday 5 April 2008

Amazingly Kelakar

mood: OK.

Thanks to the speed of facebook,
I don't even have to hunt for videos anymore.

This are both separate emotion videos.

One will probably leave your jaw open.
As to wonder how they managed being so... STILL.

And the other, just don't be drinking while watching.


poop poot poop poot~ ~~ ~~~

music sound control on the left

EDITed one hour later...
and like all addictions, you just keep clicking and clicking and clicking.

a store that actually fits 111 (and more) males, plus, topless.

and this is just so WICKED!

would have been better if all hand phones had a specific tone tho...

Improve Everywhere

gosh it's like an epidemic! i so want to do one!!!
i don't care even if it seems wu liau! (too free?)
even singapore has one version of a painter painting blank!
malaysia... so boleh... -_-

the freeze thing!!!
sooooooo manyaks countries doing it!
where's malaysia!?


hong kong~


and etc

reEDITed 3 hours later...

EEEEEEE!!! malaysia done de.
EEEEEEE!!! the quality is like... shioks sendiri...
thank god that's not the official one.
we shall... wait and see the official video from Improve Everywhere


savante said...

Fuyooh! Youtube!

ikanbilis said...



i've been with it for a long while now. look at their new musical during lunch!

Little Prince said...

savante: ah HUH! youtube! not xtube! hehe.

ikanbilis: -_- you could have always created the awareness lo. no need to wait for people~ duhz. yes i watched all their clips already. :P