Saturday 29 March 2008

Cheap Thrill

mood: Cheerful.

so after chloe's maison party.
(konon-kononnya a MAISON) -_-

zoe was like. omg.
daniel, are you going for the yacht party tomorrow.

... so gate crashing!

the next day was totally PANAS.


sadly due to the delay of the yacht,
zoe couldn't make it. she had VIP dinner.

i'm still gatecrashing!

got lost. in klang.
since i forgotten to ask which port.
or... WTF is the 'party'
i went all the way to pulau indah.
called adrien where the hell is port klang.
called cheryl for directions.
yada yada yada yada

fast forward

the event was basically for crocs.
yes. crocs. yes.
that fugly foot shoe previously un-pretty shoe (PUPS).
actually the old model is still FUGLY

after the massive crazy crave for those... PUPS.
newer versions were made.
some improvised.
like with extra holes for the buttons. etc.
i was still, not very convinced.

BUT now. YAY!!!
newer! better! HOTTER!
FETICHE range!!!

well of cuz that's why we are there for.
to see new nicer crocs.

crete canvas (totally HOT!)
capri canvas (totally FETICHE!)
yukon (the new PUPS version with leather, totally SPEECHLESS!)
kids pelican (totally CUTE!)

and cyprus, i didn't like the picture. but it's SO cool.
high heels crocs! LOL!!!
(pictures from the press kit)

see bitch like me.
don't like will not go. (to the stores)
unless they make some cool party,
so cool that i HAVE to gatecrash.
to find out about the products ma

they even had
head/shoulder/hand massage,
fish spa treatment,
and manicure sessions for the guests.

free sessions, no need pavilion. HAHA.

feeding the fishes

of cuz there were models wearing them.
but hell, i had to...
pretend i'm SO interested with the shoes.
which... i ENDED am.

santa cruz the ala 'jazz palas'

the crocs yacht is 17meters, 33 years of age, was made in greece

what a cheap thrill!

a pink... ship. LOLs.

i'm so going to get a crocs
but never this version

it's been so long since a company did a proper pr event like today.
laid back product introductions
totally uber-ly cool.

these days with the constant "budget" phrase has been making events
so BAD

ah. what a happy happy hot day. i have fever now.

this deprivation of the internet is killing me slowly, till today i've yet to read any blogs...

Thursday 27 March 2008

A MAJOR Movie Marathon with Your 1 Cent Worth

mood: Happy.

There might be some, major spoiler.
Since... most of them are not out yet.
Well expect the first one...


Yes it's a little out of date movie.
But fuck. I feel like Chuck this year.
Like Karma is getting her way back at me.
... URGHS. Like how the hell would I have known!

female ow ow worth: 5/10


O.M.G. if it makes it into the cinema without a CUT.
Then, the visual effect during the operation theater,
That might freak you out.

But not for long tho.

It's a good story plot.
Only if you don't pay attention to the art direction.
Cause the spoiler is in the opening.

Something like the Sixth Sense.
You have to SEE IT.
And then you'll feel... CIU BOSAN SIAL!

female ow ow worth: 6/10


Stephen King's movies are rather... over rated.
Don't expect much but the emotional tragic draining challenging ending.

How disturbing. But as a fact, I might have done the same.

female ow ow worth: 6/10


I would honestly like to say it's a nice movie.

BUT. it's rather a big HUGE at the end.

They don't really explain WHY the worms are dying.

And you end up thinking... WTF is this movie all about.

Well it's about love. Nice romantic words spurt out at the end.

female ow ow worth: 6/10


I just have to say,

*goodness this movie was showing in HK long long time ago...*

female ow ow worth: 9/10


I read this book.
*GOSH all my favorite chic lit is turning into MAJOR movies*

A life of a society woman. Having nothing to frust about. But your husband's affair.

If you know and understand the upkeep of high society women you will then probably understand Mrs X behaviour.

But in most silver spoon child's life, a mother's love is the most precious gift he could ask for.

No doubt it's not an excuse for having a Nanny Service when you have absolutely nothing else to do.

Very touching. Very emotional.

But like all books turned movie... the book is better, cause no art direction or actor's screen play could project the words into reality. Cause it's in YOU.

Plus point Chris Evans is in it. Anticlimax, they don't show the sex scene. DANG!!!

CUTE scene, Grand Mother X is reading the Devil's Wears Prada at the beach. HEHEHE!!!

female ow ow worth: 9/10

mr bear, reaching a fancy and last zinc chrome pok-a-dots shorts.

as of 1st april, malaysian's most prized possession. the one cent coin will officially be worthless. literally. so if you do keep them, remember to exchange la.

and i'll be so deprived of the internet. le sighs. but well, i'm enjoying the time loitering around people's office more. HAHA.

Tuesday 25 March 2008


mood: oh PANAS.

was at gym.
working out.
took a short break.
really short break.
was sipping 100 plus while reading the star.
and wow. simply delicious.

i intended to look up on his details long ago.
but always slipped my mind.
until that article,
well i didn't bother reading.
the picture was enough.

i NEVER expected... that...
kenichi matsuyama to be so... O_O
hots? sexy?
simply delicious. LOLS!!!

compare this with his character (L) in Death Note...
soooooooooooo different!!!
*and his other characters...*

i wonder. if i'll get to see him next year in the tokyo film festival. ^_^
lets hope we both make a movie by then.
ok fine so he's in some movie for next year. DANG.
i NEED a new one!

he's really good at acting. ah.

Saturday 22 March 2008

is this a curse or blessing

mood: DOZY.

now they say that it's a blessing that you can eat a lot.

that you get to savour all the different kind of flavours.
that some people, especially women,
they would gain weight while breathing. -_-

but has anyone thought or figure what it's like being slender?

people might think that you do not eat.
that you are an anorexic.
or worst a bulimic.

often time,
being slender also means you are SMALL BUILT,
if you go Chili's they'll keep asking for your ID.
that's if you sit at the bar area, or someone is drinking alcohol
club bouncers are your BFFs. they LOVE asking for your ID.
you can feel flattered,
and then flatten when they over do it in ONE NIGHT.

you really need GOOD clothes to look GOOD!
sometimes XS makes you SUPER SLIM THIN.
but i get to buy KIDS CLOTHES!!!

if you go gym, their first statement is where's the muscles?
they don't even bother asking how long have you been doing it, or maybe,
it's to be fit, like to regain cardio?
NO it's just the MUSCLES!!!

how freaking shallow can people be?

PLUS you know how freaking expensive it would be to rare be me?

and i don't mean my the now very deprived luxury shopping adventures,
i mean feeding me!!!
i eat like... breakfast, brunch, lunch, tea, dinner, supper...
i'm like a bottomless pitch. a black hole!!!
i eat fruits like i drink water.

and the worst statement i had from a girl friend during a lunch break was,

cecilia: OMG, body so small but can eat so much!
here i thought she's yet another envious soul

me: yaloh.

cecilia: Such a WASTE!

me: EH!?

cecilia: YA WHAT!

me: what do you mean leh!?

cecilia: if you eat all the ginseng, drumsticks, birds nest, all the PO items, also no use, cuz don't know where all the nutrients go to la! so you say le not a waste meh? isn't it a waste of money!?

me: -_-... they become fece. no wonder you are rather... rounded...
too PO...

so you see, being slender also means i am a total waste of MONEY ah! T_T

as i type this, i'm hungry. and i just had dinner 2 hours ago. -_-

a true malaysia think of food like he thinks of... breathing.
the minute he is having his breakfast, he thinks of what's for lunch.

therefore i am only being... patriotic.

Tuesday 18 March 2008

here's a theory

mood: CURIOUS.

i had a talk.
with several people.

so let's have this survey.

when we blog, it's about our life etc.
true that.

and then, we probably blog hop.
that's definitely. without a doubt.

since our life could be SO BORING~
while reading others could be so MUCH MORE FUN!

so of cuz after a while you would want to meet up.
you know. i mean. it's like,
to meet new friends and to know one another better?

then it gets a little more complicated.
some might even want to sorta date.
i mean, it's like. you know...

but then it's like, you know, i mean...
bumper cars!?
playing taufus!??

like ho ho.

so. here's the thing.
do you think that most queer blogers are like...
but never a TOP?
LIKE rather hardly a TOP.

like the TOP do not BLOG.
like... NEVER.
like... seriously... NEVER?
i mean... like WHO?

and like that's WHY it's like duhz. so many singles!!!
cuz we are like... going in circles!!!

btw i'm not implying anything to my position. LOLS

omg. i'm too funny. i love me.

BTW: if you didn't noticed.

i'm like,
100% effect with,
i mean...
oh well you know.

Sunday 16 March 2008

growing up

mood: WORRIED.

this few days,
while you were away.
my mind.
they started panting.

i'm over thinking,
i know.

it's not like we are official now.
but yet,
it feels like i'm not good enough.

yes, that's why i asked for a year.
but i need to know...
... ... ... ... ... ... ...

i'm basically so worried.
if i fit the shoes.

you're the only one.
that i truly want.
that i can imagine spending my life with.

for that i need to be better.
be stronger.

i wish i hope i can cope.

i better cope.
i better be all that i/you hope.
cuz i seriously cannot imagine life without you.

yes, take it slow i will.
whatever happens happens.
i know. i know.

it's all part of growing up.
THANKS babe. :D

*i don't want to end up like what pinky said... psychotic -_-*

ah~ so shy ah...
i also promise... i will NOT merajuk. cuz the last time it so back fired! major-ly back fired. -_-

Thursday 13 March 2008

apa ertinya

mood: Naughty.

dengan akhirnya undian.
satu perkara yang ku lega,
ialah sami akhirnya disingkiri.
dan nasib juga dia mengakui kekalahannya.

sedar diri je la~
rakyat tidak sukai.

tamat juga kuasa anda!!!

tapi apa ertinya?
perubahan ni bukan setakat OPP mengambil alih kawasan tertentu,
tapi juga apa ertinya sebagai seorang rakyat malaysia.

sudahkah kita bangun dari tidur,
dari mendiamkan diri selama ini,
dan hanya pandai membuat bising,
bila keadaanya tidak selesa.

ia memang benar, yang kita telah menyuarakan pendirian kali ini.
tapi adakah kita berjuang sehingga setakat ni sahaja?
dengan segala perubahan ni, kita patut mengambil kesempatan,
untuk menjadi seorang rakyat malaysia dengan lebih bangga.

kita tidak seharusnya membiarkan sahaja pemimpin yang berjuang demi kita,
tapi juga memainkan peranan kita sebagai penduduk dan rakyat.

walau bagaimana cacatnya sistem negara,
atau politiknya, ini adalah negara kita.

ini juga masanya pemimpin baru dihulurkan bantutan anda.
jangan salahkan je kalau pemimpin baru jatuh nanti.
yang anda salah undi. tidak patut mencalonkannya.
hulurkan la bantuan anda untuk menjadikan negara ini lebih makmur dan maju.
dan kaya~~~ kita ada petroleum, tanah, tapi miskin je la.

lihat je la, singapura yang tidak memiliki apa-apa tapi lebih makmur, maju dan kaya!
sehingga memiliki beberapa syarikat dari luar negaranya.
dan mengambil-alih, membeli syarikat BESAR siut dari negara USA, CHINA, dan sebagainya.

kita juga patut menunjukkan kepada negara lain yang kita bangga menjadi rakyat negara.
jadi, bangga la,
bangga la dengan menggunakan bahasa negara sendiri juga.

sebab hanya dengan bahasa ni sahajalah, kita boleh kutuk orang lain bila kat luar negara. oh maklumlah ini sebab hanya kita yang memahaminya

HAHAHA. omg. i tried. LOLs... i hope there isn't much spelling mistakes or major tatabahasa errors. LOLs!!!

i can't write anymore in malay. i am so bursting up here.
it's too funny.

but seriously we still have our roles to play.
it's not done yet.

i do hope it makes sense.
stop saying we'll wait and see what the OPP can do.
or what the BN could have done better.
you are a MALAYSIAN as well.

and be proud to use your national language. i MEAN it!

and learn to recycle. reuse. reduce.
it's for our own good.

this is a community service, brought to you by... bit*chin. LOLs!

Wednesday 12 March 2008

Being Younger

mood: Happy.

The day started with a little work.

Once that was done, a hairdcut was badly needed.

This has been so far the most expensive haircut ever! rm188

*i usually consider it a bad hair cut when the next day i get up and i get a bed head.
-_- this hairstylist's cut is flawless... i had no bed head... i'm dead*

But it was a good hair cut. Nice style. Just a hefty price. Even after a so called discount was given. -_-

Went to the gym, did a little workout and later started getting dressed up for the nights event~

My 25th birthday party.

Celebrated on the night before the actual date just so when we are done celebrating, it is the official date 11 March. :P
That's why it was held on a Monday night.

I know a lot of people made noise why MONDAY night. Well... now you know why la. :P

The guest of the evening were, Adrien Z, Alvin Lee, Alvin Chan, Anna Rina, Crystal Woo, Ivan Lee, Nicholle, Kenneth Lim, Li Wei, Pink.

Ben dropped by to pass me pressie. *altogether now, SO SWEET*

Last minute Samantha couldn't make it.
Night before William was caged by his female boss.
Paul went MIA. -_-
And the others said it's a Monday night. BLEH.

This is the second time I threw a karaoke party. Why? It's the only reason why I'll be in a karaoke parlour. I is so SHY in singing otherwise. Since vocal cord has been damaged since young.
*Adrien Z and Alvin Chan even beat the singing Queens, Miss Pink and Nicholle!!!*

Tho the initial idea was to have a private movie session, it was so private that only 8 guests were allowed. -_-
Then I wanted to do a yacht thing like in HK, but I fear it's overly expensive... and later somebody will say I copycat. -_-
So Samantha said why don't do a karaoke again la. *tapi SI SAM tak DATANG pulak!*


having a party wasn't because of the pressie~la!
william you so did not read that... i want my present! LOLs!
but i so evil and greedy. haha. tho i had one unexpected pressie ^_^

crystal came with a uber cool present! a guest book. hehe. and everyone was asked to write something inside. LOVES it.

^_^ they had a rough time thinking what to get. LOLs!

the highlight pressie of the night~

it will forever be treasured! thinking it was food as it came in kellogg's frosties box. ^_^
and i'm craving for that cereal now. heh.
and later when i opened to actually eat it, i saw this. i was just speechless.
thanks ben, love the personalized scribbling inside.

thank you all for coming for the wonderful moments, for the pressies, for having to go thru hell of thinking WHAT I WANT! i really do love them all la! ^_^

and i hope the party sang monday's blue away, cuz i refused to have it on tuesday night or the weekends.
*that one ma hai oh!*. hehe.

OH OH OH!!! and all the great sports for following the yellow dresscode. heh! you brighten up my night. so yellow. so bright. ^_^
even ben wore yellow. heh.

THANKS ANNA for the wonderful pictures!!!

some people. they just need to be the focus of the camera. tsk tsk tsk.

i learnt that it's also Wingedman's Bday. YAYs!!! I share the same day with someone! COOLS!!! Happy Birthday~

Saturday 8 March 2008

sky so bright

mood: Content.

the week was gone like the wind.
that's what happens when you get busy.

not that i'm complaining.
i do enjoy being tortured with work.

i do grumble about it.
but i grumble about almost everything.

somethings happened that i disliked.
somethings happened that was pleasurable & favourable.

was walking at bintang walk this evening,
after a rather gloomy walk.

i looked above the sky,
and saw...

i felt so content.
it feels like the bitter days are going to be peeled away,
and the brighter days are to come.

slowly, layers by layers.
and it will be bright all the way.

i'm not sad. nor happy. but i am content.
and for that i'll be grateful for.

to top the day,
christina (who owns SHINJU PEARLS, lot 10) gave me a ring.
to cheer me up.
how SWEET!!!
it's an AGATE stone.

zebra the ring


Thursday 6 March 2008

Ma Hai oh~

mood: Tired.

I'm worth more... LOLs...
can't be helped.

bedroom toys
Powered By Adult Toy Store

sorry~ QueerRant and G-Log.

Tuesday 4 March 2008

it's all in the mind.


so the three months long break ended officially.
was about time. since money was running dry i was bored to death.

naturally i am excited!
really! i love what i do.

but on the first day. OMFG.
kill me.
did i hear someone going for a holiday?
i SO need one.
it's been AGES as in... hours since i had a holiday!

seriously, it's been a long torturous week. T_T
i want a holiday. and i want money with the holiday.
i should be a traveller writer!

then i'll get sick of the hotels and planes.
and i'll rant about them.

there's a private, well now not so private sale for miss 60 and energie. i wonder if i'll be killed for this... but what the hell. doubt anyone reading this post can manage to go.

it's all in the mind.
i will be good as new.
work work.
money money!!!

Sunday 2 March 2008

a trip down to memory lane - pyrotechnics.

mood: Calm.

yes the festive season is gone.
this is why it's a memory lane post~

i'm sure there are names for this pyrotechincs.

but being kids back then what would i know,
mom would used to say i am burning money.
*actually everything is a waste of money to her*
so i am now naming them. Heh.

i kept these since i was a kid.
and i still AM one!
now, i don't even want to burn them.

such priceless treasures
*until i know where to restock...*

the bee

basically will fly high~ simple little firework that i would use to image it being a spy toy. haha.

the lotus

like it's namesake, it basically spins like a lotus. with various colours changing. green, yellow, red.

the bunga

imagine a fountain of colourful fire. i MISS it!

pulling firework

this, i used a lot in school. tying up doors for the teacher to open, to welcome them with a big BANG. KAKA.


i miss the sound this creates. BOOM. POP. POP. like stones in a microwave with sparkles.

super priceless

whenever my niece or nephew misbehave, i show them this.
walk and you'll be trailed with a row of loud burning fireworks.

ah i miss the simple pleasure of these harmless fireworks.
oh do bring them back!!!

p.s: don't the blue fabric look sooooooo comfortable? heh

Saturday 1 March 2008

about life, and a bitch.

mood: GERAMS.

it's a fact that if you are the youngest you are voiceless.

it's also a fact that if you, are a grandparent and you over spoil your grandchildren,
you loose your authorization later in the years.

unlike those days, where everything had to go thru the old lady of the house, in the modern house holds the grandkids have the power

it's a fact that if you are not wealthy you don't posses they power to VOICE.

it's a fact that i dislike your husband. but i supported your fucking marriage.
even when mother decided to rant about his status to everyone.
i was there screaming on the phone that it's YOUR LIFE not HERS.

MONICA CHIN AI-SAN. i swear you are going down to hell.
*and hell i don't want to see you there! so PLEASE be a good girl and go to HEAVEN!*

they way you mistreated your grandma,
the woman who you used to ASK for gold jewelry every other month when you were a chile.
you side the maid and scream at your own grandma?
what the fuck is wrong with your stupid brain?
she's so damn old and you said those words to her?
just fucking ignore it!
shit head!

yes i scream at grandma.
but cuz she can't hear!
and we are all bad tempered!
but do i abandon her?
do i leave her hungry all the time!?
fuck no i get her stuffs! i buy her fruits!
i get her, her jacobs!

you just yell and yell and show your fucking bossy attitude!
and your husband say i'm the little prince in the family!

well YES~ i AM! don't be jealous cuz you're 36!
OLD~ and was desperate in getting married~
cis cis cis!!!

i swear if you mistreat our mother later in life.
i'll kill you with loads of BITCHY WORDS.
to the public,
to the relatives.
don't be shy then.

and yes i have a ultra thick skin,
just like yourself.
but i'm gay.
what's your excuse?
because you are a woman?

if you happen to know my sister.
oh feel free to let her read this.
see if i care.

that's canada baby.

mood: EXCITED.

Check Me Out

lazy to write, since leo wrote most of it there on the pages. KAKAKAKA.