Sunday, 9 September 2007

when the diva meets...

cut the long boring night out story short...
ok so one of the members club in town was closing so had to go say BYE!
... didn't stay till the end tho. was just too... "happening" for the old me.

anyways when 3 divas meet.

there's only one thing they can do.

they... naturally CAMWHORE...

BUT for a solid reason...

to flaunt their inks.


the DIVAS' inksssss...

the SUPER divas post...

the solo diva shot...

... mmm me likes that toy. me wants.


Kihu said...

aiyo... the shots are HOT.. kekeke..

so u guys are going to form another Dreamgirls or Dreamboys group? ahaahah

Lau Niang said...

Good times...good times!!!

Melvin Mah said...

nice shots....

I need to get my tattoo.....

daniel henry said...

famezgay: sam pat la you.

bibik nyonya: didn't you notice my bored eyes? LOLs!

m5lvin: oh... come back here then we go do la. i need to get my yakuza done... LOLs...

William said...

I shall repeat my admiration for your CSPB Tattoo again!