Wednesday, 8 November 2006


b!tch: erm no hard feelings. but you know people ain't going to read this right?
innocent me: yea. so?
b!tch: so... why bother writting all these for la! wasting time can!
innocent me: erm... i never said it's to entertain people also. it's for me to look back at 1 year from now, or before i fly back to my *hometown* again. who knows right. besides it's not like i can cut short the daily life expriences in tokyo into 20 words or less.
b!tch: well but you can
innocent me: how
b!tch: put more photos and write less...
innocent me: dunwan... NO... but... but... the more photos... maybe... we'll see how photobucket is today...

leave me alone!!!


* actually i wanted to go yokohama. but i woke up late. so. i really have no idea where to go. so today was the day i decided to just walk to the train station instead of taking the feeder bus.
* no i don't regret not taking more photos. cuz the best pictures are in my head. besides why should i be busy snapping pictures just so YOU can see Tokyo? DUH. go visit yourself.

the nearest i'll get of feeling autumn in japan. for now. *wryly smiles...*

*while walking there's this petrol kiosk. so i decided to like to walk across it. faster la kan. OMG tiba tiba this man come running out. started scolding me. apparently... i CANNOT be walking in the petrol station if i don't have a car. it's like a crime. WEIRD huh. what if that person pumping petrol there is my mom? ok fine nobody was there. le sigh so no short cuts. LE SIGH.
* well i got lost. again. nothing so unusual. i headed for the wrong exist and i didn't realised it... buy it was ok. i enjoyed being lost in a foreign land. it's fun. especially when you have no idea where to go.

* so i walk walk walk. had mcDs for breakfast. saw a paper lunch shop but it was too early for that la. anyways i ate mcEBI. haha. it's prawns. cool huh. i thought so too. LOL.

* somehow the service there is much better compared to malaysia's. over here i think they secretly hate me. i get the crappiest service ever. even when i smile. and amazlingly someone always gets ahead of me. stupid golden archers. BAKA.
* sore thoart. damnit. good also la. otherwise i would have gotten a capri. a seven stars to smoke. haha. just for the fun of it.
* walk walk walk. aimlessly again. so. i follow pedestrians. cute looking pedestrians. yes like a stalker. haha. where they walk i walk. and if they decide to ride a cab/bus/subway, i'll stalk another one.
* that's how i found this shrine. this garden.

* and i saw this grave yard too. see getting lost and stalking people is fun. you get to see weird things.

* and here's another... shrine? looks damn yeng. (WOOT)

* OMG. people. kids. please. after looking at this sign. be greateful that (i'm not going to name which complex) our parking is so cheap. even the most mahal one... cannot... cannot compete with their rates! (suddenly after looking at this i feel the parking at renaissance was cheap... rm90 for one night... that's another story... no i'm not going to elobrate... CHEERS!)

* it's even shocking and fun when you find out you almost walked to harajuku. and half of shibuya. WOOT. haha.
* daniel you're so DUH.
* ahhh tunnel. ahhh more kawaii people walking under the tunnel. follow.

* ok let's face it. you need to see a map. damnit. learn! open up bernard's book. ooh. ops. i am at the other side of shibuya. no wonder i didn't see that horrifying pedestrian crossing. heh.
* and that's also when i realised i really did walk to the other end. that shrine was Konno Shrine. super far kay. mmm maybe i should have taken the shrine's papan tanda... mmmm....
* i finally found their landmark statue Hachiko. YAYs. but it turns out to be damn small. super small! know wonder i didn't noticed it. (there's a fugly man sitting next to it. he didn't bother getting up for me to snap this picture. and i didn't bother asking him to fark off so hence the crop. but it's still a very small statue)

* so TERUJA. the ammount of people. OMG. super ultra scary! hahaha.

*every time the traffic light turns green for the pedstrians... you can see an army of ants walking. and i wonder where they come from. like shinjuku is so much bigger but i don't see this amount of people at all...

* possiblities is that there's only one station in shibuya. where in shinjuku there's many many many small subways. eg tokyo metro and JR line.
* the architecture is amazing. different from shinjuku. harajuku. (you'll see a little more of harajuku later) they have funkier arrangements and stuff. cool. but it's a lot smaller. the happening area. very compact. very japan la. so where do all the people come from huh. ants from the ant hole. haha. where's your hole???

one of the landmark building in shibuya.

super super scary!

*went back to kunitachi. had dinner. kinna like a virgin meal. haha. then there's this donkey ugly teenager in the loo for the longest time. i was so shy to tell the lady i wanted to use the female loo. waited for like 20 minutes. and no sign of him. i then decided to tell the lady. i need... the LADIES. =)

*oh one thing about japan. you can leave your things unattended like money. passport etc on the table and nobody will steal it. i deliberately did that. left my passport. bag etc on the table. went to the loo. for like 20 over minutes. came back it's still there. DANG there goes my chance of going to the embassy. haha.

Thoughts at the moment.

* the photo date don't make sense anymore. yiks! did i lost a day walking in shibuya wihout knowing? omg. cuz i swear i saw all the shrines in shibuya and that's it. weird enough the dates changed. omg. omg. must be the cementary. omg.

* damn. it's hot in the day time. and bloody chillz at night. like so sudden. so it's hard not to bring a jacket out. and the only pratical jacket was the 3 stripes. FREE whoring ADs. haha. and it's so annoying to have it kept in the bag. so like i've been wearing that jacket for 10days. and all myself picture now looks like i'm only wearing ONE baju. when i brought like. 12 sets of baju. DEPRESSING!
* basically ¥100 is our RM3.15 and after the bulk of ringgit i had. i only manage to get like 22 pieces of ¥10k. super little. urgh. and remember that sign board? ¥100 for 10 minutes??? hoho.

on other stuffs.

i much yell a shout out. CHEE AU, all the best!!! gambeteh on your design label!!! just spoke to her on the phone while typing this. so happy for her. gosh. her journey will be so stressful for now. but it's so adventurous. GAMBETEH!

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