Monday, 13 November 2006

gossips... g&g year2.

i love detours... but this is a MUST...
*besides... the next one is the red carpet je ma*
*actually it's because i don't want to be seen in that same baju melayu i wore to sazzy's wedding... i shy... YES so sue me... i only have ONE fancy baju melayu... the other one is made of kapas... so not posh... but i did change the samping*

people LUVRs G&G... many thanks to the comments on the official unofficial blog... thou... this gosip... cannot be post there... some one... might... kills... me... and then... i cannot... breath... to gosip more... HOHO...

well i'm going to put this spoiler here instead [just this one, cuz i don't intend to let the world see it]... hahahahahahahahaha
such an attention whore
oh wellz. can't blame me can you?
btw PINK... my special appearance[s] in *your magazine*... miranda is waiting...

now... as i always keapoh... [well not like they wouldn't know eventually la... for all i know 8tv will show show all this juice anytime soon] oh btw it's gol & gincu year 2... not season 2... hahahahaha. how fetiche... true also la... one year after another ma not one season after another... mmm... oh back to the track...

there will be 2 new roles... now apart from put3 having to deal with what's her name? oh right AYU... yes... that bitch is still here in the picture... like OMG, really? can someone please kill her? before we start shooting? thank god it's hi. bye. hi. bye. bye. bye. kinda appearance... see no [s] she'll just appear once in a while... THANK GOD for that... hopefully once in a blue moon... i hates her too
yes anyways... apart from having to deal with her... there's now a junior put3... yea yea... no la not little sister... but new rival... new biatche at college... [le sigh... LUCT again i suppose]

to the dear students of LUCT... we APOLOGIZE that we'll have to make your life MISERABLE again... or MORE miserable again...

thou i don't know why/how it could have been miserable to them at first since we technically do not disturb their class schedule... not like we actually STOP lessons now... we wanna shoot yoz... or... GET OUT of the WAY you idiotic brainless minion... you'll blocking my put3's way... or... hey YOU... come here... taste this disgusting food from your canteen for me first... No... we so do not do that... *smiles*

ok so maybe there was this time, we used the gym. and then this fat bitch wanted to use it... but we didn't stop her from using any of the facilities. I SWEAR! but she was making a farking big huge fuss outside... ~those~people~are~like~interupting~my~schedule~... me faints

but now i do know why some... hates us... we made their image so high that friends would go... OH itu kolej orang kaya... when some students are actually not that kaya... they have to beg their parents rob a bank to study there... and especially with the image from gol & gincu... some how... not that' i'm perasan OK... this is what i heard from people and read around some blogs!!! and some even commented... oh... senang la hidup kau kat sana... *like WTF does that mean?* yea... so sorry... you'll be in another living hell... but trust ME... i don't want to go there as much as you don't want us/ME to go there... so bare with us/ME... once again not by choice... [please god let there be another sponsor]

and some are just jealous that they are not on screen

i'm so out of track... so so so she's like the junior of the college la... and she's like farking rich... so put3 is like... well i don't know... no script yet for me to read... hahahaha... then then then datin aina is like meeting the lecturer... like finally. she's getting laid... hahaha. she so needs it... actually this lecturer was suppose to exist in season year 1 but then due to the actors problematic schedule and obserd fee request... both parties said NO THANK YOU. hoho.

yeah so it's the small little juice that i can't reveal much... eg the names... like so mouth dropping... like... Bernard... you got to be kidding! are you serious? CRAZY! WHAT? WHY? ok fine. that sorta name for that put3 junior... how drama~

btw... did you know... melissa maureen is like writing some scripts... i wonder will she be bias??? like oh MIA gets a chanel bag *slaps her head*... oh MIA get new mercs *kicks her arse* oh HENRY makes more appearances *MIA Petaling Street bag ok???*

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